Welcome to the Mental Conditioning Movement's Podcast page. We currently have 3 podcasts in our family- Mental Conditioning Gym, You Gotta Love LOVE, and Mental Conditioning Sports. You can get more details on each one below and listen to episodes right here on the website. Happy listening!
Mental Conditioning Gym podcast was created as an extension of Mental Conditioning Mondays. I wanted a platform that would allow me to go more in-depth with you all. I will also have interviews with amazing people that show great Mental Conditioning. We can all learn from other people's experiences. I would love to have you check us out and subscribe. You can listen to episodes directly below. Enjoy!
The You Gotta Love LOVE podcast is another branch on the Mental Conditioning Movement family tree. My wife and I created this podcast as another avenue to spread the message of Mental Conditioning with the focus on shining a spotlight on positive marriages. Marriage is the foundation of the family unit and the family unit has weakened in recent years. I want this podcast to be part of the solution to strengthening families. We will be interviewing other married couples and discussing topics that occur in marriages. We hope you check us out and subscribe. You can listen to episodes directly below. Enjoy!
Mental Conditioning Sports podcast is another extension of the Mental Conditioning Movement family. In this podcast Elliot gets a space to really take a deep dive into his love of sports but with also keeping to his love for mental conditioning. Sports is about physical strength but many forget or underestimate it really more about one's mental strength first. You can listen to the episodes below. Enjoy!